Beranda English Article 7 Benefit to Use Carrot

7 Benefit to Use Carrot

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Benefit to Use Carrot
Benefit to Use Carrot

Hello and how are you today? This time i will write article about 7 Benefit to Use Carrot. Among other types of vegetables, including carrots vegetables the most popular. Sweet flavor and crunchy texture. Made perfect healthy snack. If you do not like this bunny’s favorite vegetables, you are the losers in the group. Because, you lose a lot of benefits provided to health carrots.

Want to continue losing money? Of course not. Immediately began to like this one vegetable. Well, to gain maximum benefit carrot that must be considered is to choose the carrot jelly. Select a color carrots rather young and bright. This indicates that the carrot is still young and fresh. Here is a list of the benefits of carrots you need to know. Who knew there was a recipe that you need.

7 Benifit to Use Carrot

1. Overcoming Hypertension

Take 500 g carrots washed and cut into pieces, put some boiled water, then blend. Strain, and drink immediately. Try to drink water routine these carrots 3 times a day.

2. Overcoming fever in children

Take a carrot and 200 grams of clean laundry. Grated and juice squeezed right out. Feelings boiled water, drink while warm.

3. Overcoming burns

Mashed carrots until smooth and spread on burns. Do it as often as possible until the skin is not hot.


4. Cough cure

Take a carrot and then cleaned and grated. Give a few tablespoons of hot water wring clan. Add a little palm sugar, stir until smooth. Drink 2 times a day.

5. Overcoming menstrual pain

250 gr carrots washed and cut into pieces. Add a little water, then blend. Try to drink this potion at least 2 times a day.

6. Overcoming constipation

Take 2 young carrots and wash and grate. Add 2 tablespoons of boiled water and a little salt, then wring it out. Drinking water 2 times a day.

7. Smoothing facial

Take 2 to 3 carrots peeled clean, then wash and grate. Then apply directly to the face as a mask. Wait until dry, then rinse with water.

Okay, maybe that’s all the tips I can give you, please add to the comment field below if there are any less or want to ask. Do not forget to share this article to your friends, or subscribe if you wish.


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