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Alert, there are 3 Types of Cancer Which Threatens the Population of Asia

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types of cancer which threatens the population of asia
types of cancer which threatens the population of asia

As an aging population (aging population) in the Asia Pacific region continues to grow, the demand for innovative drugs has also increased. One of them is for cancer patients.

As head of the management presented the medicines (Head of Medical Affairs) Bayer Pharmaceuticals Division Asia/Pacific, Dr. Chuan Kit Foo, based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 87 percent of the disease burden in adults/parents infectious diseases are not caused by, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.

“Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the world. And half of those cases occurred in Asian countries,”said Dr. Chuan in Bayer’s Asia Pacific Pharmaceuticals Media Day 2018 in Singapore on Tuesday, March 13, 2018.

So is the burden of disease due to cancer. Asia accounts for half of it and the numbers will increase rapidly over the next decade. “Incidence of cancer cases in Asia is estimated at 10.6 million in 2030, ” said Dr. Chuan.

Lifestyle Factors

According to Dr. Chuan, the cause because of a lifestyle that does not change during the process that person become old. However, the cancer does not appear.

There are at least three types of life-threatening cancer population in the Asia Pacific region. Colorectal cancer, lung cancer, and the last one is breast cancer.

“Every country is not the same, where most cancer many of her, ” said Dr. Chuan.

The threat of disease is also valid in the country of Singapore itself. Dr. Chuan predicts, there is the possibility of colorectal cancer which would threaten the life of the population of the country the Lion.

Who would have thought, a healthy-looking individual countries because of frequent walking, also haunted by the pain of the cancer. Cancer itself will emerge due to the pattern of life, in this case the eating patterns of residents of Singapore who ‘ unhealthy ‘.

“This Singapore Residents love to BBQ’s, ” said Dr. Chuan.


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