Beranda English Article Beautiful and Brilliant with Aloe Vera, See How

Beautiful and Brilliant with Aloe Vera, See How

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aloe vera
aloe vera

You may lately often see the product Aloe Vera Gel (aloe vera gel) are sold in online stores or offline. Some people may not know the benefits.

Kim Chang, an aesthetist with Baylor Aesthetics Studio said that aloe vera has many benefits. During this time people think aloe vera gel is usually used when exposed to too much sun. In fact, this gel can treat acne or burns.

“Aloe vera contains antioxidants, enzymes, Vitamins A and C, and is highly anti-inflammatory, which can help treat burns, pimples, and dry skin,” Chang said as quoted by BCM.Edu.

Chang added, when faced with acne, aloe vera works best on acne surfaces rather than cystic acne or deeper pimples. The cystic trap is a pimple of stone.

“Enzymes inside aloe can also help peel the skin to make it smoother, but if you’re looking for something stronger, I’d recommend using a rugged exfoliator paired with a pure moisturizer,” he says.

Although aloe vera can help moisturize, Chang said, when used overload, it can also dry out the skin. He says that the enzyme acts like an exfoliator and every time the skin is peeling off too much, it will start to become too oily or too dry depending on your skin type.

Another benefit of Aloe Vera is that it can help overcome the lines of wrinkles and wrinkles.

“A popular question is, can it help to get rid of my wrinkles, and the simple answer is No. The important thing to remember is that aloe vera does not reverse your skin from aging, but it helps you prevent deeper wrinkles and lines,” added Chang .

Aloe vera can also be used on hair to treat dandruff by rubbing it into the hair and scalp.

Chang said, if you use aloe vera gel directly from the plant, be careful when cutting the leaves of the plant. Take the gel-shaped inside and apply it to the area you want to treat.

But, if you want an instantly made product, Chang says products that contain Aloe also work well. Although fresh plants are better, the benefits of using products containing aloe vera usually also contain other ingredients that help cure.

In addition to cosmetic products, Chang said there are also beverage products containing Aloe Vera.

“Some people believe Aloe Vera drinks may help support collagen in your skin that prevents signs of aging, but there is little research to support this claim,” he said.


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